New Moon Audiobook – Twilight Saga 2
  1. Status: Completed

  2. Version: Unabridged

  3. Genre:
  4. Narrator: Ilyana Kadushin

  5. Play: 1838

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New Moon Audiobook – Twilight Saga 2

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New Moon Audiobook – Twilight Saga 2

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New Moon Audiobook is the sequel to Stephenie Meyer’s remarkably good debut novel Twilight Audiobook. This novel works well enough as a stand alone but I think that you will get a better understanding of the story and maximum enjoyment from listening to it if you have listen Twilight Audiobook first.

New Moon Audiobook freer is always going to be compared to Twilight Audiobook free and people who are expecting this novel to be essentially the same as Twilight may be disappointed. Twilight Audiobook had an almost dreamy, fairytale quality to the writing, which this story lacks. The Cullen family of vampires are also absent from a large proportion of New Moon Audiobook, and vampire fans may keenly feel their absence. Do not let this put you off listening to the book however because it is still one of the best books that I have listen this year.

For fantasy fans New Moon Audiobook free isn’t all about Bella and her emotional pain. The rogue vampires Laurent and Victoria return to Forks. They are looking for revenge against Edward but they only find Bella. The Quileute werewolves are an exciting addition to the story and it will be interesting to see how this plot line is developed in the next novel in this series.

New Moon Audiobook is definitely worth listening, but be advised that you pretty much have to read the prequel in order to be able to fully appreciate the book. A fantastic audiobook which I guess would appeal to more of an expansive readership than Twilight Audiobook.

Overall I would rate New Moon 8/10. A fine sequel, that will compel any reader to finish the Saga.

New Moon is available in audio CD format too. Narrated by Ilyana Kadushin the novel is completely unabridged making the audio book nearly 15 hours long (that’s 12 compact discs.) 15 hours sounds like a long time but Ilyana’s story telling soon becomes compelling listening and time flies by as disc after disc is feed into the CD player.

After listening to Twilight Audiobook I felt that Ilyana’s breathy rendition of Edward was a little off putting but with Edward having a much smaller part in New Moon Audiobook than he did in Twilight Audiobook there isn’t so much of that in New Moon Audiobook. Jacob and Charlie have larger parts and Ilyana narrates both parts well (an angry Charlie is probably her best character so far) making for an enjoyable listening experience.

Audiobook is a whole new way to enjoy this story, and as the audio book is completely unabridged the listener doesn’t miss out on a single word from the printed version of this novel. Be warned – New Moon Audiobook is just as addictive in audio format as it the first time you read it in print – you will end up making excuses to take your CDs or iPod with you where ever you go, so you can keep listening!

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